Personal participation (active or passive) | 200 EUR (incl. VAT) |
Virtual participation | 120 EUR (inc. VAT) |
IBAN: | CZ6203001712800101285316 |
Account number: | 101285316/0300 |
Variable symbol: | 6223 |
In order for us to identify your transaction, enter your VARIABLE SYMBOL and in the message for recipient note YOUR INSTITUTION and YOUR SURNAME, please.
Bank: ČSOB, RCB Ostrava, Hollarova 5, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Account holder: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Univerzitni nam. 1934/3, 733 40, Karvina, Czech Republic.
Accommodation incl. breakfasts, reception, lunch, dinners, refreshments, conference proceedings, entry to wellness and social programme are provided for participants.
Conference fee is non-refundable after payment.